Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Digital Culture in my life and understanding it

Digital culture plays a major part in my life and others. In this day of time we are in the Information Stage. Some may call it the Digital Age or the Computer Age, whatever u want to call it the world is fixed on technology and new upcoming trends.

Digital culture begins with the different types of technologies we use. We now have computers, tablets, and Smartphone's, all of which we use religiously. On our appliances we use the internet and various applications that help entertain us throughout the day.

 Facebook is one of the major social medias I use. Facebook allows me to keep up with my friends and family. Almost every day I log on to see pictures, and posts my friends and family make. These posts and pictures allow me to stay connected with people in my life. It also allows me to experience their life experiences even though I cannot be there with them.  

Recently I have actually started to use my email. Email has been around for years, but being a senior in college trying to make it in the job world it has become more and more important.  I receive constant emails from my teachers and potential jobs that I may be interested in. Email has always frustrated me with tons of spam mail. Some emails have spam blocker, but I seem to continue to get spam mail constantly.

Digital culture has grown in many ways. People have started to date online. Many people honor their first amendment by creating blogs. Celebrities have even become popular because of various digital cultures. Digital culture has become limitless and will continue to grow.

Since we have entered into this" technology age" we need to have a better understanding of it. Schools are now offering classes and majors  that deal with digital culture. Digital culture has become how people live and we need to keep up with technology. Jobs are now wanting future employers to be trained in social media. Social media helps promote and market organizations. People now learn about new trends and upcoming new technologies because of digital culture. The world is headed to becoming all digital and we must keep up!
Interesting Article

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